Philippe Chométy is Professor of French seventeenth-century literature at the University of Toulouse – Jean Jaurès. He has published “Philosopher en langage des dieux”. La poésie d’idées en France au siècle de Louis XIV (Paris, H. Champion, 2006) and Traduire Lucrèce. Pour une histoire de la réception française du De Rerum Natura XVIe-XVIIIe s. (Paris, H. Champion, 2017, with Michèle Rosellini). In 2020 he received his Habilitation to Direct Research with the project : ‘La Lyre savante. Pour une histoire des relations entre poésie, philosophie et sciences dans la littérature classique française’. In this work, to be published as a monograph with Classiques Garnier in 2025, he examines the representation of the poetry of origins—and the origins of poetry—in early modern French literature (XVIe-XVIIIe s.). He is currently pursuing three areas of research: 1) on the relationship between poetry, philosophy and science, preparing an anthology of scientific poetry in French; 2) on ecopoetic approaches to early modern French literature, putting together a Dictionary of literature and nature (with Jérôme Lamy); 3) on the theoretical and didactic dimensions of ‘voicing’ seventeenth-century literary texts, developing a method of critical analysis based on audio and audiovisual recordings (with Pascale Chiron).